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Monday, May 23, 2011


assalammualaikum b..
>>salam buat kekasih<<

No wonder bape hari ni makan asik nk jolok tekak muntah kan balik je..tup..tup..dapat taw ikea pny meatballs diperbuat dari daging babi..hello!we’re talking about BABI here ok..babi like kaler pink..or kaler cokelat comot berlumpur..uuueeeewwwwwwwww..geli tekak..*muntah lagi*nasib baik 1st tyme pg share the meatballs w/ my friends..2nd tyme pg,mkn tak hikmah rupenya..(w/pnm se xabes tu rse mcm bazir sesgt)..thnx to en.boipren for the quick update to me..and thanx ALLAH for all this petunjuk..klu la aq bawak k.feza g mkn meatballs tu,xpasal baby dlm perut yg blum lahir tu dh terkena badi haram2 jgk kn..haiyo~

this babi ialah comel babi
but this babi boleh buat hari2 muntah bila teringat that meatballs..

p/s:kedai bole la ikea tu samak..perut aku ni,macam mana nk samak?

Sebenarnya entry n ink cte pasal bf yg xbg gf rapat dgn gf pny gf..ada paham ka?my en.boipren tak bg me rapat w/ all my girls..knape?he have plenty of reason for doing of it adalah kerana awek dy ni cepat menangis..tbe2 je pn blh menangis..marah orang tapi ble xley nk marah,I akan menangis sndiri..pastu mengadu ngn en.boipren i..macam mlm ni,I sakit ati,ngadu kt sy gne im this was 1st we talk about entry I buat pasal ikea=babi meatballs tu..then I ckp muntah,dy plak smbung jwb yg I msj dy gne phne..klakar..but, I LOVE HIM..
seyes yg ni lawak..ble bce mcm xd kena mengena lansung kn..

p/s/s:selalu ny bf xbg kte ad rapat ngn bf bf tak bg rapat ngn gf lain..hehe.. protective!lol~

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